‘Brilliant’. ‘Faultless’. ‘Perfect’.

  • Brilliant editing, magnificent job, Fabulous, High-quality editorial work, Rigorous and energetic editing, Meticulous checking and editing

Meet some of my clients to see why and how my services have impacted their lives.

I would like to thank Ingrid Cranfield, who patiently and competently edited not only my first book, Masoud: Memoirs of an Iranian Rebel, but this one as well, dealing with my poor English, many Iranian words, idioms and expressions, and my tendency to labour the points on which I felt most passionately.

Love your work. Thank you.
Yet more brilliant editing: you really have put a hell of a shine on the story.
By God, you’re good! I have to say, you are doing a magnificent job.

I appreciate, as ever, your meticulous checking and editing on the book.

Thank you so much, as usual, for your help and unrivalled guidance

I require your usual faultless editing and more importantly your opinion.

You’re an angel, thank you.

You are a star! – Not only the efficiency, but also your high quality editorial work, as well as your decisive manner!

Many thanks indeed for your prompt, detailed, and extremely helpful report, which will make editing our first draft so much easier. You have gone beyond your official remit, and we are very grateful to you for doing so.

It all starts with the manuscript. We need to like our books and we’re not fussed about genre, age range or the colour of the writer’s eyes. Show us a manuscript worth reading and we’ll jump at the chance. Ingrid Cranfield, our favourite editor, doesn’t mince her words. Every manuscript which passes through her hands gets the full wash, cut and blow dry. She’ll deal with colour and highlights too. Does she actually hate bad spelling and grammar? When she’s done, when that poor author has recovered from the haircut, that’s when we move on.

Thanks to Ingrid Cranfield for her rigorous and energetic editing of my text, for which I am very grateful.

Thank you so much for all your hard work. I am so glad that I have worked with you. And, to tell you the truth, I have decided to continue working with you, be it articles, reports or maybe another book.

You have been more than an editor but also acted, at some point, like a good friend or a therapist. 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If you can proofread, enhance vocabulary and put your shine on it, as you always do, I’d be grateful.

And a very special testimonial:

Dear Councillor Cranfield

I wanted to write to thank you. I am about to move house and as I was sorting through my papers I found a letter you wrote to me when I had just turned 12 years old. Before my 12th birthday I had sent you a copy of a ‘novel’ I had written called ‘The Same Moon’. You read it and took the time to proofread it and send me several pages of encouraging comments, thorough notes on my grammar, characters and plot and advice on how to develop my writing.

I wanted to thank you for this. You took time to encourage and advise a young girl with sensitivity and honesty in an area that meant a lot to her.

I went on to read Law at university and qualify as a barrister, but I changed career into education and will soon commence work as an English teacher in the state sector. I still write in my spare time, though, and I am currently working on a novel which I plan to send to agents by the close of this year.

I wish you the very best and just wanted to thank you for the work you did for me 13 years ago!

Kind regards

“I need to submit this article by tomorrow. I divided it into two parts because otherwise I will not be on time. This is the first part of the article. I selected [Ingrid Cranfield] because a colleague of mine advises me that he/she is fast and does very good editing and reviews.”

“Thank you very much for reediting the revised document. Your service is nothing but excellent. Thanks again!”

“Thank you. Your work is amazing – perfect.”

“I’m very happy with the job [Ingrid Cranfield] did for me on the latest two chapters of my book. I can’t conceive of presenting written material to the public without such dependable editing and proofreading. Thanks for your work and there is more material coming your way.”

“Absolutely fantastic proofreading! It was well beyond my expectations.”

“[She] proofread Part 2 already. I loved the quality of the edits and would love to have her proofread this!”

“Very good! Our manuscript was really carefully considered, and the comments provided were clear.”

“Thank you for your previous editing, I found it very useful, especially comments about improving the document.